Friday, May 2, 2014

Alchemical Black Magic

Alchemical Black Magic

The Queen now sounds a rousing cry for all to practice a form of spiritual devotion: to maximize each one’s potential and to visualize each one’s impact (the impact of one’s actions) down the historical road.  The Queen herewith commands each one to do only that which benefits humanity and the circle of life on Planet Earth. Read on, especially you men and women of science.

Perhaps GMO crops will continue to grow and thrive on Earth, but the Queen thinks they may spell the demise of all but a few plant and animal species; humans may not be included in those surviving. At the rate we are going many people will not be able to have children. And the children that are born will be full of pesticide and other chemical residues at birth. Will they be able to grow normally? Will they be stunted? Sickly? Cancer-filled? Will they be capable of learning? Of interacting? Of procreating? Are we soon coming to a final generation of humans having dealt our species one too many destructive blows?

The Queen would ask humanity to each one work to become his/her Biggest Self, to unite around the cause of Common Good. The Queen is beseeching you to reject your fears of unseen enemies and instead, be willing to see the enemy on the grocery store shelf, or in the chlorinated, chemically “cleaned” polluted waters, or in the air (are there really chem-trails being sprayed daily in our skies? To what end? And, who approved these?).

Daily we are told of a new toxin entering our waterways: from leakage at chemical storage plants, from oil spills, from fracking, agricultural run-off, decomposition of plastic litter, even from the medical drugs we ingest and then urinate out into our water supply. It is difficult, nigh impossible, to correlate with exactitude direct cause and effect to illness of any one of these multiple pollutants because so many concurrently swim in our environmental “soup”. There are statistics that show increases in rates of disease (diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, food allergies, Autism), which positively correlate with an increase in chemical agriculture and increased chemicals in water. Man-made chemicals have been only loosely controlled by United States and other world governments. This laxity, the resultant widespread chemical pollution of land, water, and air has possibly doomed our species. (Just noting: Royalty has a long history of going extinct. Not even the Queen will not be exempt.)

If we act NOW we may still be able to undo the damage, to save our healthy food sources, reduce our environmental footprint, and allow the Great Mother (Mom Nature) to aid us in a planetary clean-up. This is where our wise men and women of science must put their energies: into a world–wide environmental clutter clearing (followed by maintenance cleaning using only natural products).

Scientists of the Realm, as opposed to working for rich companies to increase the personal wealth of the company’s owners, raise your voices! Refuse to work for those who practice alchemical black magic: creating gold from the sorcerer’s stone of planetary destruction.

Would that I were Queen!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Queen Speaks on Religion

The Queen Speaks on Religion, 3-27-14

The Royal Family does not regularly attend a house of worship. The Queen is loath to insinuate her personal spiritual beliefs upon others. Given her Supreme Royal Power, that would be most unfair.

The Queens believes that each person must find the religious, spiritual, ethical, or humanitarian belief that best fits with the person’s own heart. Why would even a Monarch presume to understand the deep recesses of another’s heart? This is knowledge that only the individual (and the Divine) can know.

Why, in all the years of history, has anyone (priest, minister, wise man/woman, or Royal) thought that it would be possible to control, direct, or influence the heart of another human being? On the outside, yes… A person could appear to have been influenced and agree to a new set of beliefs, but on the inside…. no. This practice of attempting to command another’s innermost beliefs the Queen most heartily condemns!

In point of fact, there are members of the Royal Family who do regularly attend a house of worship and others who do not. The Queen is not inclined to attend, as her beliefs feel too personal. She takes what feels right to her Royal Self from any number of religious belief systems, from all the major religions and from pre-religious and pagan beliefs as well.

The Queen considers herself to be a student of sorts. One of her abiding areas of study has been to find the themes common to all belief systems (for here, the Queen surmises is where the capital T “Truth” lives).  In her studies the Queen has become aware of three areas common to all the major belief systems:

  1. The Golden Rule. Some version of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is present in all religious traditions.

  1. A belief in deep connection between humans and the natural world. In some religions this is expressed as dominion over nature and in others there is a feeling of relationship (as in Mother Earth and Father Sky). The Queen sees nature as most assuredly Divine, whether created by a  instantaneous spark or by a lengthy evolutionary process (or both). The symmetry, the variety, the beauty, color, texture, the smell of fresh spring air as rain approaches… All are surely the result of a masterful plan!

  1. As a Royal fan of the “Hierarchy of Needs” theory of psychologist Abraham Maslow, the Queen notices that beyond the basic needs for shelter, food, and safety, beyond our needs to feel loved and to feel good about ourselves, beyond even the need to experience our lives as meaningful, we, as a species, wish to experience transcendence. And this is the true goal of all religious experience: to help us connect with that which is beyond us, with the Divine, and then to help others experience this connection as well. Transcendence is what allows us to reach our highest level of personhood.

Why do we push these commonalities underneath the rug of our convictions of right and wrong? What purpose does it serve for another to see Heaven (or Hell, or Nirvana) exactly as you see it? Why is it important for another to eat, pray, or rest in the same fashion as you?  
Must we all believe in lockstep? 

Perhaps it would be better to pursue our individual paths to becoming the best person/soul we each can be. The Queen’s personal beliefs are as pure, good and valid for Her Royal Self as yours are for You. We are both right. We are ALL right.

Would that I were Queen!

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Queen Speaks of Love for All of Man and Woman-kind


The Queen is disappointed… in her own inability to shepherd
humanity into an era of peaceful coexistence. Since the beginnings of Royalty,
back to the times of bands and tribes, there have always been conflicts:
opposition, hostility, fighting to the death as a means of resolving
differences. Though the principal of “Might makes right” may have once made
some evolutionary sense (in a time when following the sage advice of a strong
leader would insure the tribe’s survival: the best lands, the spoils of war, an
influx of new genetic material), we are now in a wholly different age.

The age of “mutually assured destruction” arrived with the
use of the first atomic weapon. We all are fully aware of the consequences of
using this type of armament – that a catastrophic change in our planetary
environment will follow, leading to conditions where human life on planet Earth
becomes forfeit. Further more, after the chemical weapons of World War I, and
with the advent of tank, plane, and now drone warfare, the “enemy” can be
destroyed (many beings at a time) with the press of a button. The button pusher
will not even know who or how many will die.

In more recent 20th and 21st century
conflicts we see the long-term effects of battle on the warriors themselves.
They languish in Veteran’s Hospitals, die of mysterious
chemical-warfare-related ailments. They come back from the front incomplete:
battered, shell-shocked, suffering an entirely preventable form of depression –
that which is a result of witnessing and participating in horror. On average,
twenty Gulf War Vets die per day from suicide. And this is the Queen’s point:
we know the ramifications of warfare.

In using warfare as a means of conflict resolution, no
matter which side “wins” we all lose. And all of our lives are diminished by
this loss. The person now suffering from PTSD might have, in an alternate
scenario, been the amazing teacher who would have inspired your son or
daughter. The victim of Agent Orange poisoning, who spent his later years in a
futile attempt to regain his health, may have been the one who would have
invented a cheap, productive, easy-to-install solar panel. Among those who died
on the beaches of France, one might have been the uncle whose laugh you would always
remember and cherish. We know not what we’ve lost. We can ill afford to pass on
this depleted legacy to future generations.

Warfare has long since become obsolete as a means of 
conflict resolution. But, because we haven’t yet figured out an alternative, we resort to
war as the answer in a crisis…. the “fall-back” position. 

The Queen’s
alternative: study peace. Provide for all in the world. See humankind as
family…the tribe…the one clan. See us all
working together to benefit
If need be, we can unite around a common enemy. Here, the Queen does not refer
to an alien race from beyond Earth, but to climate change, environmental
degradation, to unhealthful experimentation on our food supply, to overpopulation,
illness, poverty, and ignorance. We have so much to work on together!

Would that I were Queen!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Queen is displeased. Her ministers are engaged in perpetual electioneering as opposed to their actual job: writing and passing laws that reflect the needs of her subjects, the general American populace. This "Do-Nothing Congress" is aching to be elected out! The Queen is so displeased with the pratfalls, the antics, the double-speak of the House Republicans, most notably, that she finds herself burdened with only one option: to dictate to the Royal Office of the Exchequer that all  self-serving politicians be cut from the payroll... that their salaries, benefits, and "perks" be discontinued immediately. Until such time as these Personal Gain Politicians come to their senses (pull themselves up by their brain-straps) and do their jobs, the Queen orders that they be unfunded... or perhaps only temporarily funded, just like the government.

Let the ministers pass laws that allow government to function (pass more than a temporary budget). Let them see the error of favouring the NRA, the Gun Rights lobby, over the safety of innocents. Let them fund a farm bill that will keep Americans safe, eating healthful foods. Let them protect small farmers, particularly organic farmers instead of the giant farm conglomerates (who mainly care to make as much profit as possible, not whether they provide safe, life-affirming foods). Let them see down the road of time to preserve forests and wet-lands, clean streams and healthy top-soils. Let them protect the future for all, with wisdom and with compassion. Or, let them become gainfully employed elsewhere...perhaps mucking out barns, building roads, or repairing damage from the environmental debacles they have allowed to occur.

Alas, this is not to be. The Queen cannot dictate policy. The Queen beseeches all her loyal subjects: learn what your representatives really do and don't do, and then, when the time comes: 
Vote your conscience.

Would that I were Queen.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Dark Arts, Reversed!

The Queen’s heart has been heavy, weighted down by the burden of need to protect her people from the Dark Arts. The Queen’s evil foe, the dragon Monsanto, it has been discovered, is a work of mightily evil sorcerers. The sorcerers first set this dragon upon the common-folk, to ravage and to destroy the foodstuffs. The good farmers toiled about, planting their health-giving, life-supporting food crops little aware of the crisis hard upon them. It has become known that the evildoers, through the deepest of dark magics, have conjured to afflict the good farmers’ crops. Many of these crops were infected with the sorcerers' affront to Mother Nature…to the Deity, himself: GMOs. And now, the evildoers cast a spell on the winged creatures, on the bees, on all the pollinating insects…on the winds even, causing these to spread the foul creation! This is the deepest evil of all these despicable arts…to silently kill and injure millions unknowingly…perhaps to destroy the entire community of man and woman-kind.

The Queen has been shut in her private quarters praying for Divine Help, for Divine Guidance… for only Supreme Good is strong enough to battle supreme evil. Finally, a prayer has been answered and by the Queen’s very own Royal Physician, a good woman of science! This learned advisor shares with the Queen that both the people and the merchants must be educated. It is not enough for only the people to know of the evil inherent in the new, altered “food”. No, truly, the merchants must also be enlisted in this struggle. The merchants must hear of the peoples’ desire for safe foods, for health-giving, life-affirming foods. The merchants must choose to stand with the people, must insist to their suppliers that their customers no longer wish to purchase and eat tainted “food”. The merchants must insist on honest labeling of foods, for the sake of their customers… and, for the sake of the merchants' pocketbooks! And, in this matter, We (the Royal We) say “Yea” to the power of the purse, that this power may finally slay the evil dragon, Monsanto…that it may at last cancel the dark spell!

Here, in the Royal Physician’s own words, is a letter of petition. The Queen requests that you print this letter, putting in the name of your favoured grocery merchant. To the end add your name and the names of all the members of your household. Declaring your deep desire to eat in health and in safety, hand your notice to said merchant. The merchants are wise men and women. If even a small percentage of their customer base declines to purchase tainted foods, they will cry “Foul” and the spell will, at last, become reversed!

Dear Manager at ______________,

I’ve noticed your store has offered locally grown produce in the summer, and an increased section of healthy foods, including organic and gluten free options. I applaud this and have been purchasing these.

However, I want to let you know that I will not be buying any products with genetically modified components.  This includes most cereals, breads, baked goods, soups, and dairy with rBGH hormone. Almost all processed foods contain some GMOs. I am also choosing to buy 100% grass fed meat in order to avoid the genetically modified components in animal feed.

While the research isn’t conclusive, there is enough research to raise significant questions about the safety of GMO consumption.  I will not risk the health of my children or grandchildren.  I believe that consumption of GMO’s is linked to increases in cancer, autoimmune diseases, autism and infertility.

I will be sharing this information with many people in the hopes that GMO containing products will no longer be allowed for sale and consumption here in the US, as is the case in most European countries.

If you want my business, you will need to offer more non-GMO food choices and to develop and implement a plan to eliminate GMO foods from your shelves.


My thanks to “Royal Physician”, Dr. Cheryl Shea, DC

Would that I were truly Queen!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Ridding the world of the "dragon" Monsanto

The Queen is angry. Actually, the Queen is disgusted. She is not sure if she’s more disgusted by the corporate business heads who would defile our planet and our resources to fill their own purses…OR, if the Queen is more revolted by the lackluster approach of the government regulators who have relinquished their given powers meant to insure our safety.

Monsanto is the name of one such “dragon” that is breathing fire on the countryside, devouring farmers, reducing their fields to poison-ridden stubble. Have not the heads of this company over-stepped the bounds of human decency in their quest to own life itself? Aye! They have! Can they be allowed to police themselves? Can they be trusted to hold back from rearranging life’s building blocks…to the benefit of their own clan? No ! They cannot! They have shown their ugly faces. They will lie, connive, and attempt to blame the innocent as a smoke screen, hoping we will not see who is really predator and who is prey.

I say to you now, Monsanto: though the current “knights” of the E.P.A., my justices, and my advisors (the Congress and even the President) may be too weak, too glutted by the rich sweetbreads of the kill that you have bestowed upon them, I and my Subjects see the true evil you represent. We see your desire to draw wealth to yourself, even at the expense of the health of the masses…even at the cost of human life on our planet. Tell the Queen, Monsanto, what do your children feed on? Do they eat organically grown foods…raised with no poisons, no altered genes, no chemical cocktails? Or, do you feed them on straight gold?

The Queen hereby decrees:
  1. No entity can own life…there will be no slavery, even that of seeds!
  2. The Queen’s knights, justices, and advisors will immediately do their work of protecting ALL. Those who are too weak to resist being bought will lose their positions, herewith!
  3. All the poisons and life-altering “foods” designed by Monsanto will be destroyed immediately. Not a grain, not a vial, will be kept. The farmers who will feel the loss most personally will be well compensated by Monsanto.
  4. The Queen’s new rules governing farming:
  • No factory farms
  • No farming monoculture.
  • We return to the era of the family farm. Farming subsidies will be paid to those working their own farms, those who attend to the soil properly…amending it in the traditional ways (compost, manure,  nutrient-adding winter ground covers).
  • These organic farmers will receive the subsidies.
  • Organic farming will become the norm.
  • Our water resources will be given the opportunity to heal from years of agricultural chemical run-off.
  • Our human life will, once again, feed on that which the Deity has designed for us.
  • We will again work hand-in-hand with our Mother the Earth, rather than milking her dry.
  • We will choose harmony and decency.
  • We will work together to see that ALL are safe and healthy.

Would that I were Queen!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The "Queen" speaks on climate change and the role of those who would govern.

Hello. Queen of the World here. I come to you from the capital city, St. Louis, MO, USA. I am currently in residence at my summer castle (a 1 ½ story frame dwelling, with vinyl siding, and a darling front porch). The summer castle is lovely, but the summer itself is way too hot!

 My royal coach (a ’97 Saturn station wagon) was sitting in the driveway, windows rolled up, in the afternoon heat and sun. The car’s interior temp got so hot that the emergency brake POPPED! Now, the e-brake doesn’t work at all. This year has seen 53 record high temperature days, so far… We’ve had only one significant rain event in the last 4 or 5 weeks. Temps have been in the triple digits: 100-108 degrees recently.

 I’ve adapted somewhat: now: the 80s feel pleasant, the 90s, tolerable. Heat over 100 degrees is like walking out into an oven! People with respiratory diseases must stay indoors in air-conditioning. Homeless people and the elderly die from overheating regularly. In the neighboring “shire” of Kansas City, a postal carrier died from the extreme heat. I can’t even begin to imagine how police officers manage in their bullet-proof vests... And the fire-fighters…OMG! How do they do it? Can you imagine fighting a fire…in protective gear…in this heat? And auto mechanics…all the folks who work in non air-conditioned warehouses spaces? How do they manage?!

Between 95-97% of my science advisors say this extreme heat is related to changes in our planet’s atmosphere caused by our actionsour deeds. And, let me be clear here, I am NOT using the “royal plural” when I say “our.” I’m talking about ALL of us!

What’s a Royal to do??!

I’m tired of watching the court ministers ignore the science advisors’ concerns. I will seek to do the following (by Royal Decree):

1). Immediately declare a “war on” non-renewable, polluting, planet destroying energy sources.

2). Re-tool all low functioning or currently non-functioning factories. They will then be realigned to produce solar panels, wind turbines, and water/wave/tide-power energy collection equipment. The factories would also produce energy saving devices of ALL types.

3). Scientific and mechanical studies related to production of weaponry would be halted. All scientists and engineers would, instead, go to work on our most imminent threat: loss of a habitable planet.

Even I, as “Monarch” can’t do magic… Immediate focus on this very real threat is required NOW! Regarding the rules to fight this war, to save our home planet and our quality of life, there needs be a consensus in all the lands over which I rule. All the advisors, all the ministers, all the subjects, must be clear that what we do here affects us all …positively or negatively. If ever there was a common threat to unite our world kingdom, this is it.

I am a benevolent ruler. I desire the best for all my subjects and their descendants for many generations…for as many generations out as I can imagine (and I have a vivid imagination). The royal tutor taught me “A rising tide floats all boats.” Therefore, I wish to see my poorer subjects be accommodated with renewable fuels for heating, cooling, cooking, lighting, transportation… As their quality of life improves, they will be able to contribute their gifts and genius to our world. And, we will all benefit.

I can ill afford to wait while the court ministers swagger, and vow never to compromise. I may have to say, “off with their heads” or to throw them all into the dungeon and allow them to remain there until they can sort things out. Oh, no. I forgot. I said I wouldn’t do that… so uncivilized and all…. 

Ah, here’s a good idea: no more ministerial jobs if they can’t do what they were appointed (elected) to do: make equitable, fair, and WISE policy. I think I’ll toss them all out and from here on, appoint (elect) only those who are honorable with their word, chivalrous in action, pious, thoughtful, and compassionate!

Would that I were truly queen!